Want to educate, entertain, or inspire your audience with your business’s story? Then a brand story video is a proven way to raise awareness and make a connection with your potential customers. What makes it different from your other video content is that is not entirely a sales pitch but capitalizes on humanizing your brand through emotional storytelling. Now, you may think of it as sharing your history—a great brand story video talks surely about your origins and also what you do, why you do it, what inspires you, who all you serve, and much more.
In this article, we will take you through the essential elements of 3creating a powerful brand story video. So, let us dive in!
Talking just about products or services does not usually drive revenues. It is about retaining customers and attracting new ones with powerful messaging—a message that shows how you are helping solve problems whilst following your vision, mission, and values.
Brand storytelling or branding videos help your customers to relate to your brand. For instance, they may realize that they share the same passion or beliefs, leading to customer loyalty in the long term.
Although businesses can use brochures or posts to tell a brand story, the video content offers a visual appeal and immersive experience with graphics, music, animation, and characters. In fact, in 2020, 96% of the consumers increased their video content consumption online and 9 out of 10 respondents agreed that they wanted to watch more brand and business videos.
In summary, branding videos offer your audience authenticity and share your company’s philosophy and personality!
Here is your step-by-step guide to creating powerful branding videos.
Before you start scripting your brand story, determine the objective of your video as it will define your story and tone. For instance, you may think along the lines of why you want to share the story, who is your audience, what they want to hear, why will they pay attention to this video, what is the takeaway of the video, or what value you are adding to your marketing efforts.
We are discussing this step now because your brand colors, brand jingle, or original background music will help your customers remember your brand. You may want to take out the brand guidelines so you don’t deviate from your brand identity during the video creation process.
Start with a story skeleton and then add flesh with all the necessary details. Have a strong beginning, i.e. the first ten seconds, and focus only on a single message. You can consider using exciting data as well but make sure to support that with a strong context. then, in the ned, close it with a strong call-to-action. Now, at this point in time, you may not just want to show your logo with a URL but encourage your viewers to share the video, get in touch with you, request a demo, etc. Also, make sure that you remove unnecessary information, use vocabulary that resonates with the audience, and also define the tone—friendly, witty, professional, etc.
Since it is a video, you can focus on not just telling the story but showing it through imagers, animation, etc. You can be unique or different while telling your brand story. You may decide if you want a spoof, narrative, documentary, or others. You can also take inspiration from other branding videos you like.
You can create a mood board from the beginning. This will give you an idea of how your video will appear with your final storyline, imagery, colors, etc. Ask whether it gives you the emotional connection and is representative of your brand identity and brand value that you want to convey. If not, then you may want to go back to the earlier steps to tweak some things.
After you have finalized everything, it is time to get into execution mode. At this stage, you can use your in-house time or hire a professional video marketing agency to help you with the entire production process including shooting, arranging equipment, editing, voiceovers, etc. At this stage, you can also make a promotion and distribution plan across relevant channels and platforms for maximum outreach.
If done right, branding videos are a powerful and impressionable way to emotionally connect with your audience. You can make them realize the shared values and passion for standing out. Plus, these videos can be used to attract new customers, raise awareness, show that you stand for something important for your customers, and much more. With the right start and tools, you can succeed in telling your brand story in your own words in an engaging way.
Know how BOXmedia with over 20 years of experience can help you create compelling branding videos and make a deeper connection with your audience!